Can you imagine letting a day go by without at least one good belly laugh? Sadly, it happened to me once, but I vowed to never let it happen again. Even deep in the throes of bad burrito, there is humor in the bottom of the toilet. So that’s where some of our humor sits, while some is wrapped in amusing games (with or without drinks) or giving the worst birthday present or really really really sticking it to your co-worker (or her car). Make “FUN365” your mantra, too, and help us keep the world from getting too serious.
Kim Leone Olenicoff Castellano (aka Honest Kim) is an expert when it comes to Boobs, Sweat, Farts and White Elephant Gifting. She earned the unglamorous and unlikely distinction by leaving the lucrative life as an attorney to start her own company selling Garment Guard, the first disposable adhesive underarm shields. Armed with Nordstrom as one of her first accounts, she went on to attempt to solve other embarrassing personal problems including SBDs (with Subtle Butt: disposable gas neutralizers) and saggy boots (with Boot Stay: adhesive sag preventers). The result of honed legal research skills, 30,000 miles around the world on her sailboat, too many Crappy Christmases, and a touch of OCD is Fashion First Aid and its ugly cousin,, brands with over 70 (and counting) clever-useful or wacky-hilarious products. She holds several patents and numerous trademarks on these products, and actually has at much fun at work as she does at play. Kim lives between Laguna Beach, CA, Sun Valley, ID and Puako, HI with her husband Andy, her maniac toddler, her costume closet, and her nutty imagination.

Jennifer Copeland Embree, nicknamed “Apple Buns” in her youth, remembers being pecked by the school mascot (a black crow) while climbing the jungle gym and breaking her leg on her first ski run. But she didn’t let that stop her and went on to captain her high school’s basketball team and was voted “biggest flirt." After a bonus year in college, a degree in Exercise Science, and no desire to hang around any longer to get a masters, Jen delved into sales and travel planning with a brief stint in flower planting. This (not the flowers) lead to her introduction to Kim Castellano, who never actually interviewed or hired her. Jen has gotten into a few brawls with circular cutters, three bolts of faux fur, and pink fuzz in unmentionable places, with which her hockey skills have come in handy. She has enjoyed several business trips to China with wonderful hosts who didn’t realize chicken and pork were “meat” and where trying to communicate prank product design turned into a sad and hilarious game of charades. Jen & Kim often share a brain, which poses problems for the one not in possession, but so far, no one has gotten hurt. Jen strives to make sure functional fashion aids and awesome gag gifts are available for your immediate purchase and promises not to laugh too hard when you get punked by a Meow Hear This.