April 08, 2020
We think the best all around face masks use an activated carbon filter sandwiched between layers that prevent particles from entering and exiting the mask. If you are going to wear a face mask, why not use one that does it all:
Activated carbon works so well because it is a tiny porous molecule with a GIANT surface area so that all sorts of other particles can stick to it. (This is called ADSORPTION.) Wikipedia goes more in depth. It has long been used to clean up contamination and to filter water. Brita filers and some air filters are household uses of activated carbon.
A new study by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health claims that exposure to air pollution makes covid-19 more lethal. Activated carbon does a great job at filtering out a lot of the air pollutants.
We made our own No Sew Face Masks using a Costco 540 thread count pillowcase, Subtle Butt disposable gas neutralizers and hair elastics. They are comfortable and effective with a carbon weight of 200g/m3. These will do the trick until our new activated carbon masks are done with production. But they aren't standard mask: these have a FUN.delivery twist with cheeky sayings on them. Stay tuned!
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