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Carpet Matches The Drapes tan
Natural Pink
Michael Jackson's Hair black
Hanukkah Bush Blue
Christmas Tree Hugger Green
Heart Red
Lucky Shamrock Green

Botched brazilian?
Misbehaved shave?
Unveiled va-jay-jay?

The solution is Kitty Carpet: the reusable downstairs toupee merkin.

For the prodigal hippie, the French-web-footed-prostitute-in-another-life, and the woman who wants to bring some spice into the bedroom, the wait is over! Long gone are the days of picking up hairs from the bathroom floor and saving them to make your own merkin. Now you can buy a rug for Mrs. Downstairs in the color you want, cut it to the shape you need and experience life to the fullest. Each Kitty Carpet measures 3.5 inches wide on top and is 4.5 inches long. Infinitely reusable, it comes with one sheet of Quick Fix Sticks (USA-made double-sided body tape) with 24 pieces of tape to start you out. And don't fret, no actual kitties were harmed in making this product as Kitty Carpet is 100% polyester faux fur.

Choose between the following 7 colors:

  • Michael Jackson's Hair
  • The Carpet Matches the Drapes
  • Natural Pink
  • Christmas Tree Green 
  • Hanukkah Bush Blue 
  • Romantic Red Heart
  • Lucky Shamrock Green
Using Kitty Carpet is easy:
1) Trim your Kitty Carpet to the desired shape.
2) Peel off at least one included Quick Fix Stick and stick it to the non-fuzzy side of Kitty Carpet.
3) Adhere your Kitty Carpet exactly where you think it should go. 

Contains: 1 carpet with 24 pieces of Quick Fix Sticks
Measures: approximately 4.5 x 3.5 x 0.2 in (11.5 x 9 x 0.5 cm)

Faux fur made in China
Quick Fix Sticks made in USA